Anti-Money Laundering Leaflet for Clients
Government regulations mean you may be asked to prove who you are if you are a new client or if your solicitor has not taken instructions from you for some time. Find out why and what this means for you.
Jane Brooks Law Complaints Procedure
We are committed to providing high-quality legal services to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it.
Solicitors Regulation Authority Code of Conduct
The SRA Handbook sets out the standards and requirements we expect our regulated community to achieve and observe, for the benefit of the clients they serve and in the public interest.
Legal Ombudsman Website
The Legal Ombudsman was set up by the Office for Legal Complaints (our board) and established under the Legal Services Act.
The Law Society
The Law Society represents solicitors in England and Wales. From negotiating with and lobbying the profession’s regulators, government and others, to offering training and advice, we’re here to help, protect and promote solicitors across England and Wales.
ID1 Form
Application form ID1 to prove your identity when lodging an application to HM Land Registry.
ID2 Form
Application form ID2: certificate of identity for a corporate body.